Booking Pass: 5 x Chi Acupressure Therapy Sessions

Original price was: £255.00.Current price is: £230.00.

SAVE £20 when you pay for a course of 5 Chi Acupressure Therapy Sessions or £25 when you include your 1st Chi Therapy session.

Usual price £50 per treatment.

Use the ‘booking pass code’ you receive in your order to redeem your classes. 1 Credit = 1 Chi Acupressure Therapy Session

Booking pass is valid for 180 days (6 months).


SAVE £20 when you pay for a course of 5 Chi Acupressure Therapy Sessions or £25 when you include your 1st Chi Therapy session.

Usual price £50 per treatment.

Use the ‘booking pass code’ you receive in your order to redeem your classes. 1 Credit = 1 Chi Acupressure Therapy Session

Booking pass is valid for 180 days (6 months).


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